The pure alchemy of cooking has always been something that I lose myself in. There's something extremely suspenseful, exciting yet soothing, and experimental in the creation of a dish. It's only been recently that I've toyed with the notion of sharing my dishes with the world at large, more so as I trade recipes and methods with friends and coworkers. Over the last two years I've become extremely interested in and supportive of the locavore movement.
We're a household that is environmentally conscious of our impact on our geographic locale and supportive of local farmers as often as possible. Sometimes though, the occasional out of season craving and the supermarket sales on chicken and beef can get the best of us. While my hand at baking has been so-so, I'm learning from the delicious concoctions that come out of the oven every now and then by a certain librarian who is as patient as she is brilliant with a brick of baking chocolate. These adventures, along with our burgeoning urban container garden endeavors, will be documented here.
I love that you're bringing these ideals to Philly. Not something I connect w/ my home sweet home. It's ooh so Portland of you. Makes me wish you were here! I need cooking lessons.